Proprietary Bank Transaction Codes
This guide describes the proprietary bank transaction codes in use with Triodos as provided with a Get Account Transactions request.
These are the bank transaction codes for account in the Dutch branch:
Code | Name | Description |
AC | Acceptgiro gecodeerd | Acceptgiro coded |
AN | Acceptgiro ongecodeerd | Acceptgiro uncoded |
AT | Acceptgiro via internet | Acceptgiro (Internet Banking) |
BA | Betaalautomaat | Point of sale |
CHIP | Chipknip | Chipknip payment |
CO | Correctie | Correction |
DB | Diskettebetaling | Disk transfers |
DV | Dividend | Dividend |
EI | Europese incasso | SEPA direct debit |
EICO | Europese incasso storno | SEPA direct debit reversal |
EIST | Europese incasso correctie | SEPA direct debit correction |
ET | Europese transactie | SEPA transfer |
ETST | Europese transactie storno | SEPA transfer reversal |
GA | Geldautomaat | Automated Teller Machine |
IB | Interne boeking | Internal transfer |
IC | Incasso | Direct debit |
ID | iDEAL-betaling | iDEAL payment |
IT | Internettransactie | Internet transaction |
KN | Kosten | Costs |
KO | Kasopname | Cash withdrawal |
KS | Kwaliteitsstorting | Cash deposit |
OV | Overboeking | Credit transfer |
PO | Periodieke overboeking | Standing order |
PR | Provisie | Commission |
RE | Rente | Interest |
RS | Renteschenking | Interest donation |
ST | Storno | Reversal |
TG | Spoedopdracht | Urgent payment |
VL | Vaste lening | Loan |
VO | Vordering overheid | Government claim |
VV | Vreemde valuta | Foreign currency |
These are the bank transaction codes for account in the Belgian branch:
Code | Name | Description |
BO | Doorlopende opdracht | Standing order |
BSCT | Teruggeboekte SEPA-overschrijving | Bounce SEPA credit transfer |
BSDB | Teruggeboekte SEPA B2B-domiciliëring | Bounce SEPA direct debit (business to business) |
BDD | Teruggeboekte SEPA-domiciliëring | Bounce SEPA direct debit |
CH | Cheque op rekening | Cheque |
CO | Rechtzetting | Correction |
DN | Rentebestemming | Interest donation |
DO | Domiciliëring | Direct debit |
DV | Dividendbetaling | Dividend |
FEE | Kosten krediet | Costs |
IB | Interne overschrijving | Internal transfer |
IN | Interest | Interest |
MB | Overschrijving memodatum | Dated transfer |
MBIB | Overschrijving memodatum IB | Dated transfer (Internet Banking) |
ON | Kosten | Charges |
OV | Overschrijving | Credit transfer |
POS | POS | Point of sale |
PR | Provisie | Commission |
SCT | Overschrijving | SEPA credit transfer |
SCTIB | Overschrijving (Internet Banking) | SEPA credit transfer (Internet Banking) |
SDB | SEPA B2B-domiciliëring | SEPA direct debit (business to business) |
SDBR | Rechtzetting SEPA B2B-domiciliëring | SEPA direct debit reversal (business to business) |
SDD | SEPA-domiciliëring | SEPA direct debit |
SDDR | Rechtzetting SEPA-domiciliëring | SEPA direct debit reversal |
SW | Swift | Swift |
TK | Overschrijving termijnkrediet | Term credit transfer |
TX | Belasting | Tax |
UP | Dringende overschrijving | Urgent payment |
VV | Internationale overschrijving | Foreign transfer |
United Kingdom
These are the bank transaction codes for accounts in the UK branch:
Code | Name |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine |
BAC | BACS payment/receipt |
BACIB | BACS payment/receipt (Internet Banking) |
BGH | Bank Giro Credit |
BGQ | Bank Giro Credit |
CBP | Credit by post |
CCI | Customer cheque issued |
CHG | Bank charges |
CHI | CHAPS receipt |
CHP | CHAPS payment |
CHPIB | CHAPS payment (Internet Banking) |
CHQ | Customer cheque |
COR | Mispost correction |
CSH | Cash withdrawal/receipt |
DCR | Debit card refund |
DD | Direct debit |
DIV | Dividend |
DON | Interest donation |
FP | Faster payment |
FPIB | Faster payment (Internet Banking) |
FRN | Foreign payment/receipt |
INT | Interest |
ITF | Internal transfer |
ITFIB | Internal transfer (Internet Banking) |
JNL | Journal |
ONL | Online (e-commerce) |
PO | Postal order |
POS | Point of sale |
REP | Represented cheque |
RTB | Returned BACS |
SCR | Mispost correction |
SO | Standing order |
SPE | Special presentations |
SUP | Unpaid cheque |
TAX | Tax |
UCQ | Unpaid cheque |
UDD | Unpaid direct debit |
UDI | Unpaid direct debit |
UNP | Unpaid cheque |
Updated almost 5 years ago